Netflix for mac mini
Netflix for mac mini

That is about to change when iOS 15 arrives on the iPhone, iPadOS 15 on the iPad, and Monterey on the Mac. When the new operating systems are launched later in 2021, you should be able to use AirPlay to send content to your Mac from an iPhone, iPad, or other Mac. You’ll also be able to use your Mac as an AirPlay speaker. You might be forgiven for thinking it would be possible to stream content from an iPhone or iPad to a Mac screen using AirPlay. After all, AirPlay is available on all three devices. However, you cannot use AirPlay to stream content from an iPhone or iPad to a Mac screen at this time. Read Also: How to AirPlay from iPhone to Mac?

netflix for mac mini

You may be wondering if you can use AirPlay to stream content from your iPhone or iPad to the larger screen of your Mac. AirPlay is Apple’s solution for streaming from your Mac, iPad, or iPhone to your TV screen. Unfortunately, there’s only one option if you want to download content from Netflix, Amazon, or Disney + and watch it offline: you’ll need to download it to your iPhone or iPad. If you just want to download movies to watch on your Mac on a long train trip or international flight, it will no doubt be frustrating. Your only option may be to find content on Apple TV + or use Apple’s own iTunes Store, where you can rent or buy movies or TV shows and download them to your Mac. But why pay when you can get them for free on one of these popular subscription services?

netflix for mac mini

You can watch Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney + content on your Mac, to do so simply by logging into each service’s page. But downloading is prohibited (and if you see a service that seems to suggest it will allow you to do so, it could be malware!)

netflix for mac mini

This is one of the secrets of the internet: You can download Netflix, Amazon, and Disney + shows on your iPad or iPhone, and even your Windows PC, but you can’t download content from these services on your Mac.

Netflix for mac mini